M.A.Charpentier: Messe pour plusieurs instruments au lieu des orgues, H 513 (Ms, F-Pn)

€ 13.00

per 5 flauti dolci, 3 flauti traversieri, 4 flauti bassi, 2 oboi, cromorno e archi
Composer: Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643 - 1704)
Edited by Giuseppe Schinaia
Copyright: 2011
Series: Concerto de' varii stromenti
Musedita code: CH1ME
ISMN: 979-0-52017-392-6
1 volume (28p.) + parts
Available in
- full print (printed score and parts)
- print/download (printed score / parts in pdf)
- full download (score and parts in pdf).
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